Key Industry Issues - Saskatoon & Region Home Builders' Association

Key Industry Issues

Here’s where you can find Association positions on key issues, along with updates and developments. If you’d like to learn more about the Association’s advocacy priorities, click here.

Saskatchewan’s Housing Leaders Launch Housing Blueprint ahead of Provincial Election

Unlocking the Door to Housing in Saskatoon

Unlocking the Door to Homeownership

Recommendations on the Federal role.

Economic Impacts of the Residential Construction Industry

2022 factsheets for Saskatchewan as a whole and also Saskatoon & Region.

Conclusion of the PST Rebate

Leveraging PST To Defend Saskatchewan Housing Affordability

Municipal Benchmarking Study

This study is intended to help establish standards that municipalities can and should aim to meet, and that industry and the public can and should call for, with supporting data and best practices to show the way.

Association Publications

SRHBA-led initiatives to bring positive change to the Residential Construction Industry