Saskatoon City Council Approves Bylaw Amendment to Remove Minimum Parking Requirements
SASKATOON, SK (DEC 21, 2023) – Yesterday at City Hall, City Council directed Administration to undertake the work to remove minimum parking requirements in Saskatoon. Known as Open Option parking, a developer, business or homeowner will be able to decide how much parking should be provided on a given development. Without a parking minimum in place, this decision can be made based on market knowledge, land use, available space and other factors.
“We applaud City Council today on their decision to pursue Open Option parking in Saskatoon,” said Nicole Burgess, CEO of the Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association (SRHBA), “This important change will not reduce current parking spaces. It’s about making smart choices for future projects and keeping in mind our community’s best interests with respect to new housing.”
Key Advantages of Open Option Parking:
- Streamlining the development process to address the urgent need for housing.
- Enhancing affordability by reducing approval delays and cutting unnecessary red tape.
- Allowing developers, homeowners and businesses to determine the right amount of parking needed without additional costs or regulatory burdens.
Aligned with the city’s Housing Accelerator Fund, this decision will contribute significantly to long-term economic growth and housing accessibility. “By encouraging quicker project approvals and market-responsive solutions, we’re not just building homes; we’re fostering a more vibrant and dynamic Saskatoon,” adds Burgess, “We are not in a parking crisis; we are in a housing crisis. It’s important decisions like these that take us one step closer to affordable housing for all.”
For more information, please contact:
Nicole Burgess
Chief Executive Officer
Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association