Infill Roundtable – Barriers & Recommendations
This morning, SRHBA CEO Chris Guérette presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development & Community Services at City Hall regarding the progress thus far of the Infill Roundtable Discussions.
The purpose of these discussions, led by the SRHBA in partnership with the City of Saskatoon, is to identify and remove barriers to infill development in order to promote healthy growth in Saskatoon. The first phase of the discussions is described in this report detailing the barriers identified by the group, along with possible solutions and recommendations to alleviate these issues and remove as many barriers as possible.
The first phase will officially conclude with a presentation of the report to City Council on December 18th. Both the SRHBA and the City are pleased with the progress thus far, and look forward to continuing these discussions into the New Year and implementing recommendations which will ultimately foster growth and development in Saskatoon.
Click below to view report.