The Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association works to continually improve the professionalism of the residential construction industry and all its employees through ongoing training and education, and by providing certification of its members in the area of new home construction. The Certified Professional Home Builder Program is based on the National Education Benchmarks for Builders and Renovators as recommended by the Canadian Home Builders’ Association. All Builder Members of the Association must complete the complement of courses that meet the CHBA National Standards recommendations.
This certification also provides home building professionals with business and management skills that meet the industry’s demand and need for a higher standard. The final outcome will be a recognized Canadian Home Builders’ Association designation that gives Association members a highly competitive advantage in the market.
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By June 27, 2018, every contractor on Saskatoon Land’s Eligible Contractor list is required to complete mandatory training and safety education. All new probationary applications must complete at least one of the mandatory training courses or the safety course before being allowed to purchase their first lot.
*Other mandatory training and safety education may be considered, if approved by City of Saskatoon Land.